Thursday, April 25, 2019

Acne Worms

This is a sign your body is overloaded with toxins in the liver thus the acne.

You are also infested with parasites if worms are getting out of the skin.

The best way is to cleanse your body with herbs that both clean the liver and get rid of parasites.

At the same time do a colon cleanse to flush them out of the body.
3 options are Enema, Colonic or colon cleansing herbs.

learn about the best parasite cleanse to use for both conditions.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Parasite Detox

This is where you decide to have  a plan in which you will help the body rid itself of all the parasites through herbs, fasting  and elimination of certain foods that feed the parasites and help your body heal itself.

Fasting help the body concentrate on cleansing rather than digesting.You can do just water or green juices.

Foods to eliminate are all meats, processed foods, all cheeses sweet stuff. basically just concentrating on cleansing foods in their liquid state. lots of greens and tart fruits like green apples.

eg 1 bunch of kale, 2 apples,water for blended foods and juices celery, cucumber, apples and lime or lemon.

Include herbs that the parasites don't like and will kill them like wormwood, garlic, clove, papain from papaya, green hull of black walnut etc

Flushing the parasites out of your body will require assistance from us through Enemas, Colonics  or Colon cleansing herbs.

checkout more on parasite cleanse:

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Functional Medicine Psoriasis

Medicine real solution is to address the symptoms not the unlying issue. 

You will get creams or antibiotics to mask the symptoms but not give you a solution to address the underlying problem which is the clogged liver that can't handle all the toxins, so it pushes it to the skin thus skin problems like Psoriasis, Eczema and even worse conditions Skin Cancer.

Best thing is to clean the liver and help it flush out using colon cleanses like bitter herbs eg Dandelion, nettle leaf, orange peel and burdock etc.

Also Stop eating foods that clog the liver-meat,cheese,eggs, deep fried foods,cooked foods etc

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Best Probiotic Brand for Psoriasis

Probiotics are bacteria that go to work for you helping you fight unwanted viruses or diseases.
Gut Bacteria alone has 70% in our immune system.

We have 5 pounds of good bacteria if you are eating right.

If you feed on junk food,meat, milk,cheese and processed foods you get bacteria that will feed off of you and give you disease.

It's definite the best probiotics are the ones you make at home like coconut kefir, buy the kefir grains and make it.

The best brand of probiotic should have more strains. It should be liquid probiotics since bacteria are alive and like moist environments otherwise they die. If you are going to buy the powder form of probiotic buy as many kinds with different strains (but avoid the lactobacilis kind, which is cow milk strain) and mix them up all together.

Coconut kefir,Soy kefir Mango kefir brands are good.
Great brand for Probiotic in capsule form or get liquid form on amazon

Latero-Flora™ is a probiotic supplement that supports gut health by populating the digestive tract with beneficial Bacillus laterosporus (B.O.D.™) bacteria.

Psoriasis Master Cleanse

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