Probiotics are bacteria that go to work for you helping you fight unwanted viruses or diseases.
Gut Bacteria alone has 70% in our immune system.
We have 5 pounds of good bacteria if you are eating right.
If you feed on junk food,meat, milk,cheese and processed foods you get bacteria that will feed off of you and give you disease.
It's definite the best probiotics are the ones you make at home like coconut kefir, buy the kefir grains and make it.
The best brand of probiotic should have more strains. It should be liquid probiotics since bacteria are alive and like moist environments otherwise they die. If you are going to buy the powder form of probiotic buy as many kinds with different strains (but avoid the lactobacilis kind, which is cow milk strain) and mix them up all together.
Coconut kefir,Soy kefir Mango kefir brands are good.
Great brand for Probiotic in capsule form or get liquid form on amazon

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