Friday, December 21, 2018
6 Ways to Help with Alcohol/drug Withdrawal Cravings Naturally
If you do something over and over again you train your body to get used to it, and eventually it becomes an Addiction.
I say we become addicted to hugs, kissing. letting go, being clean and being healthy and doing the right thing.
We need to remove the substances that cause addiction. The most addictive substance is SUGAR followed by cheese and wheat. Try and go without them for a couple of weeks.
Substances become addictive when they make you feel good when consumed or a source of food for parasites and yeast.Candida makes you crave breads, carbs and sugar.
Addictive substances to avoid or minimize
a. Alcohol makes you feel good increasing the dopamine levels.
b.Sugar makes you feel good by increasing serotonin levels
c. coffee to get over coffee take feverfew & chamomile flowers
d. Sedative- instead of drugs use Valerian,skullcap
e. Cocaine,Heroin, Crack and Smoking - use acupunture,astragalus, ginseng and Ginger
f. Prescription drugs- antidepressants and mood stabilizers
6 Herbs and Things to Help with Withdrawal Cravings
1. Amino acids- Glutamine, tryptophan, tyrosine, phenylalanine and 5-HTP
2.St john wort
3. Burdock Root
4. Dark leafy greens best absorbed when blended or juiced(raw state)
5. Enzymes take all day long
6 Echinacea
7. Sea vegetables- 2 tbsp a day
8 Zinc
9. Selenium
P.S For Fast Results to help with Addiction CLICK HERE
Monday, December 10, 2018
The Secret Trick to Getting Rid of Candida.
Most of us think candida is not a problem until you see this tongue and think OMG! My tongue is like this every morning when i wake up.
I have been struggling with migraines over the past few years and realized that i might not have the severe candida symptoms but was on my way to it.
Especially when you can't help but have sweet foods and are constantly munching on sweet delights.
Candida’s function is to serve as a backup digestive system when our primary system becomes overwhelmed. Candida metabolizes “dead” material in our bodies; material that is too difficult or toxic for our digestive systems to handle.
A healthy immune system keeps your Candida under control and in its yeast form as opposed to the Candida getting out of control and growing into fungal state.
Antibiotics are one cause of our Candida getting out of control. Sugar, flour, breads, and the like facilitate an unhealthy Candida.
Once your Candida gets to the fungal state it generates “Hyphae” which ultimately cause its fingerlike projections to dig into our intestines affecting the permeability of the intestinal walls.
Candida Albicans is overgrowth of yeast into a mutated aggressive fungal form that eats holes through the intestinal tract causing many health problems like food allergies, autoimmune disorders, Crohn's disease, IBS, low energy and many more aggressive diseases.
The main cause of overgrowth of our Candida is damage to our intestinal walls. Check out the scientific source to prove it here.
- Refined carbohydrates
The best and simplest way is to stop feeding the Candida with sugar, bread, pastas, flour, pastries, etc
The effect of adding a high amount of refined carbohydrates to the diet of healthy human subjects has a limited influence on Candida colonization.
2. Probiotic
Probiotics breaks down the sugars to a fermentation state.scientific research here
kimchi, sauerkraut and fermented foods(kefir) or drinks(kombucha)
kimchi, sauerkraut and fermented foods(kefir) or drinks(kombucha)
Because yeast feeds on carbohydrates, a food plan must be followed that starves yeast of its main fuel: simple sugars.
Additional support in the form of healthy bacteria, called Probiotics, is also used to compete with Candida in the intestines, resulting in a rebalancing of the microflora.
Best way to build up your Probiotics is fiber or Prebiotics and the best fibres are from plant fibre.
Sunday, December 9, 2018
Best Natural Parasite Cleanses
There are many different types of parasite cleanses available in the market and online but you need something natural and pocket friendly at the same time.
The following include the best natural herbal parasite cleanses you can get with no added artificial stuff and no animal derivatives at all.
Parasite Free is an amazing all-natural product with the most powerful herbs available known historically to blast parasites, shred them to bits, and kill them.This product is one of the products of Body Force.
This product contains some of the most powerful herbs that not only kills the parasites but shreds them into small fragments so that they can never grow again.It contains over 12 Herbs
This product contains some of the most powerful herbs that not only kills the parasites but shreds them into small fragments so that they can never grow again.It contains over 12 Herbs
This is arguably the best natural herbal wildcrafted parasite cleanse available, and it also ensures that the illness associated with dying parasites are also taken care of.
The price of the medicine is approximately 59.97 US Dollars for 300 capsules, and the normal prescription is to use it for three months continuously to eradicate the parasites completely
The price of the medicine is approximately 59.97 US Dollars for 300 capsules, and the normal prescription is to use it for three months continuously to eradicate the parasites completely
Dr. Clark Paracleanse
The famous health specialist Dr. Hulda Clark has developed her own remedy to tackle these tiny yet dangerous creatures. After a lot of interactions with her patients, Dr. Hulda noticed that most of them had been infected by other organisms and that their bodies played host to even the more dangerous external microorganisms.
Dr. Clarks Paracleanse includes black walnut hulls as well as cloves, wormwood, and Tinctures the price is approximately 74.60 US Dollars.
Harmful-Organism Cleanse-Kit
Harmful-Organism Cleanse-Kit help cleanse the small intestines, large intestine of toxins and impacted fecal matter in just 6 days.It also comes with a Probiotic inclusive of the kit
The whole kit contains three different products which are one Latero-Flora as well as two Paratrex, and one Green body Cleanse(PDF) with 120 capsules
This kit offered by Global Healing is specifically designed to flush out all parasites of your body that eat out the human nutrition and affects the vital organs.
Although the price normally ranges between 59.95and 84. US Dollars, it is value for money as they give it in a bundle and three different products in the bundle.
Chemical Free Body
The Chemical-Free Body uses chemically free products and instead focuses on using products that are made of herbs.
They have a wide range of products that are used for candida cleanse.
Their major products are GREEN-85 Juice-Formula, Gut-Cleanse Plus, and Critical-Cleanse Formula. All of these products are helpful in making your body parasite free.
The prices of these products range from approximately 30 US Dollars to 60 US Dollars. The products are majorly focused on providing chemical free treatment to the body.
The prices of these products range from approximately 30 US Dollars to 60 US Dollars. The products are majorly focused on providing chemical free treatment to the body.
All in all, it is extremely important to free your body from parasites, and candida cleanse is more like a necessity if you desire to live a healthy life.
You could have a head start by choosing any of the products discussed herein.
Monday, November 12, 2018
Weight Gain and Parasites
Have You Tried To Lose Weight But Havent Reached Your Goal?
Those extra stubborn pounds need to go then you can maintain that weight with easy.
When we talk about parasites, we often associate them with GastroIntestinal
Infections, short term treatment plan, exotic food or travel and pets.
Let us first talk about the different way parasites can infect our body. There are
a lot of ways parasites can enter in our body.
Eating raw foods like sushi, salad, undercooked meat, swimming in natural ponds,unfiltered tap water, even sodas and international travel gives a person a higher risk of parasitic infection.
Parasites are very common (even in the first world countries). A statistic released by the Center for Disease Control said that more than 60 million people in the US alone suffer from parasitic infection that causes toxoplasmosis.
The mainsource of the said infection are constant exposure to pets,contaminated water and food.
When our body is infiltrated by parasites, they immediately attach themselves to our
intestinal walls. The only time that they will detach themselves is when they
procreate (usually about seven days before the new moon).Check out more symptoms of worms Here
Upon attaching themselves to our gastrointestinal walls, the parasites then will
absorb the nutrients in the food we eat. The tissues in our gut lining also
becomes damaged.
When we have parasites, our body classifies it as a chronic infection. It triggers the
release of the substance called cortisol in order to combat the infection in
our body.
Cortisol is also known as our body’s fat storage, and with its release, our body tends to hold on to fats (especially in the middle section). This is one of the reason why we gain weight when we contact a parasitic infection. Ensure you get a good blend of parasitic herbs or herbal home remedies
Another reason is that, the parasites absorb the nutrients which our body is supposed
to gain. Decrease in nutrient absorption tends to affect our mood, decision
making, metabolism and stabilization of blood sugar levels..
Slower metabolism means that we gain more weight because our blood sugar levels (may) become high and hormonal fluctuations may impede our decision making skills (it will gives
us sugar and potato chip cravings).
Due to the toxins that they give off, parasitic infection can make our kidneys and
liver work harder (in eliminating those toxins).
Overworking our kidneys and livers will make them sluggish. As a result, weight gain, bloating,irritability and fatigue ensues.Ensure you in corporate liver herbs and kidney herbs to help them function better.
Parasites also provide a healthy environment for yeast infection (candida being the most
common). The increase of yeast in your body affects the microbiome balance.
According to the research submitted in the U.S. National Library of Medicine, a
change in your body’s microbiome can lead to weight gain.Read more info on candida Here
An increase in the yeast level may acidify your body. Overproduction and abundance
of acids may result in damaged organs, muscle break down and stress to our
nervous system.
Acids may move towards your fat cells and slow your metabolic rate. Through this, your body ensures that overabundance of acids will not harm your body, but as a result it will be harder for you to lose weight.
The most effective way to lose those extra pounds is to ensure you cleanse your body with the help of herbs either home remedies or blended herbs to help kill the parasites. Ensure you are using Probiotic to help with gut flora(help get good bacteria to help fight foreign harmful substances and help lose weight)
Good source of Probiotics to help with weight loss are Water kefir, coconut kefir or soy kefir Not COW MILK YOGURT is just animal fat, sugar and hormones which will feed your parasites.
P.S If you don't have time to make your own or cant find water,coconut or soy kefir.
Monday, October 29, 2018
Apple Cider Vinegar Parasite Cleanse
Apple Cider Vinegar is way to help the body detox from poisons, help with digestive issues.
It will draw moisture from the harmful bacteria instead of the harmful bacteria taking moisture from us
Help control ticks and fleas in pets and gives a beautiful shine to the pets fur.
What to help to take during your parasite cleanse is fermented vegetables or PROBIOTICS to help with good gut flora to help the good bacteria fight for you against harmful substances.
Probiotics |
Topical application of apple cider vinegar may help remove warts, likely because of the high levels of acetic acid it contains.
You can try soaking a cotton ball in vinegar and applying it to the wart, overnight. everyday and still it starts to shrink. For fastest results apply 2-3 times a day.
Apple cider vinegar Delivered at Your Door Step
Good source of Probiotics are sauerkraut Water kefir, coconut kefir or soy kefir Not COW MILK YOGURT is just animal fat, sugar and hormones which will feed your parasites.If you don't have time to make your own or cant find water,coconut or soy kefir.Get yours here
Apple cider vinegar is great for candida because the acid shuts off the Candida growth gene
Its rich in potassium, a key mineral for building muscles, transmission of nerve
impulses, heart activity etc.
Apple cider vinegar helps to break up and reduce mucus in your body, helping to clear your sinuses.
It is one of the best things you can take for cramps, eye twitching, nerve pain, arthritis, high blood pressure, constipation, stiffness- if you feel stiff or have pain, drink ACV- it helps absorb and dissolve calcium deposits.
It is one of the best things you can take for cramps, eye twitching, nerve pain, arthritis, high blood pressure, constipation, stiffness- if you feel stiff or have pain, drink ACV- it helps absorb and dissolve calcium deposits.
But apple cider vinegar is an amazing health helper for those people who really want some help cleaning up the mess they created in their bodies
Herbs to kill the parasites
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Home Remedies for Pinworms
Pinworms cause itchy anus, joint pain, insomnia and are highly contagious. it occurs mostly in children between 5-10 years.they crawl from anus to vagina and cause most of female reproductive problems .
You can eradicate them by use of naturally methods by using
1.Bitter melon- can make a juice out of it with cucumber and garlic and carrots
2. Pinworms get into your sheets so Change them Regularly and Wash the sheets with Hot Water and maintain high standards of hygiene
3.Take enzymes with large amounts of protease which digest proteins, parasites bacteria and viruses as protein.
4.Cloves contain eugenol that kills parasitic eggs
5. Take PROBIOTICS every day at the end of the day because parasite killing herbs knockout good bacteria.
6. Ensure you eat foods with lots of fibre eg peas,asparagus apples. dandelion and burdock root
7.Castor oil has undecylenic acid that has antiparasitic properties
8. Avoid cooked processed foods and animal products and sweets to ensure you stop feeding the parasites just for a short while 2 weeks to 3 months.
9. Turmeric root-It is an anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties, wound-healing, worm-expelling, and an overall body purifier.
P.S If you need more in depth information to help get rid of parasites then check out the topic on parasites(41 pg ebooklet) or just get parasite killing herbs
(1) [Preclinical studies of cucurbita maxima (pumpkin seeds) a traditional intestinal antiparasitic in rural-urban areas]. PubMed
(2) Usefulness of pumpkin seeds combined with areca nut extract in the community-based treatment of human taeniasis in northwest Sichuan Province, China. PubMed
(3) Ultrastructural study on the morphological changes to male worms of Schistosoma mansoni after in vitro exposure to allicin. PubMed
(4) Effects of the alcoholic extract of Curcuma longa on Ascaridia infestation affecting chicken. PubMed
(5) Anthelmintic activity of extracts of Artemisia absinthium against ovine nematodes.
(6) Krishnakumari MK, Majumder SK. J Sci Indust Res 1960; 19C: 202-204
(7) Mills, Simon; Bone, Kerry (2000). Principles and practice of phytotherapy: modern herbal medicine. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. ISBN 978-0-443-06016-8
(8) Moerman. D. Native American Ethnobotany. Very comprehensive but terse guide to the native uses of plants. Excellent bibliography, fully referenced to each plant, giving a pathway to further information. Not for the casual reader.
(9) Cysteine proteinases from papaya (Carica papaya) in the treatment of experimental Trichuris suis infection in pigs: two randomized controlled trials. PUBMED
(10) Assessment of the antiprotozoal activity of crude Carica papaya seed extract against Trypanosoma cruzi. PUBMED
(11) Massive tapeworm discovered inside man who complained of stomach ache. The Telegraph.
(12) Ascaris. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
(13) Taeniasis FAQs. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
(14) Parasites - Neglected Parasitic Infections. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
(15) Human gastrointestinal nematode infections: are new control methods required? PUBMED
(16) Pinworm Disease. The state of Hawaii, Department of Health.
(17) Liver Flukes: the Malady Neglected. PUBMED
(18) Roundworm. NHS
(19) Giardiasis outbreaks in the United States, 1971–2011. PUBMED
(20) Epidemiology and Molecular Characterization of Cryptosporidium spp. in Humans, Wild Primates, and Domesticated Animals in the Greater Gombe Ecosystem, Tanzania. PUBMED
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
10 Natural Herbs to Kill Parasites
I developed pinworms just the other day and i consider myself a very clean person and i eat right and to my surprise i got them. It's impossible to completely avoid parasites.Just take measures to eradicate them either naturally or with blended herbs.
These are the most effective herbs to get rid of parasites.There isn't one thing that will kill all parasites so a blend of parasitic herbs combined with colonic or enemas will do the trick.
Ensure you also include herbs to help the liver and kidney work more efficiently after overworking it for years.
Ensure you also include herbs to help the liver and kidney work more efficiently after overworking it for years.
As its name suggests,has the ability to expel parasites, this bitter herb is known worldwide for its strong killing ability.
This is one of the MOST POWERFUL tools in the parasitic herb kingdom. It is most effective against roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and pinworms.
It contains potent chemicals(thujone, isothujone and santonin) that kill parasites and has a very effective remedy for parasitic diseases.
Wormwood is the second most bitter herb known to man and has been proven as a POWERFUL remedy for malaria. Wormwood also helps produce bile, which in turn helps the liver and gallbladder.
Garlic has a history of killing parasites and controlling secondary fungal infections, detoxifying while gently stimulating elimination, and has antioxidant properties to protect against oxidation caused by parasite toxins
Cloves has powerful germicidal agent known as eugenol and also contains caryophyllene. These components go through the bloodstream, killing microscopic parasites and parasitic larvae and eggs
It is an anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties, wound-healing, worm-expelling, and an overall body purifier.
Goat’s rue is a wild legume used during the Middle Ages to treat the plague. It was also used to induce sweating to break fevers and to treat infections with parasitic worms and snakebite. This herb can help balance blood sugar levels, help women balance hormones, and the plant has no odor unless a stem or leaf is bruised, causing the release of a stench, hence the name goat’s rue. Effective in both humans and animals alike
It has antiviral and antibacterial properties and is used for candida ,expelling parasites, fatigue syndromes and helps eliminate waste from the stomach and colon.
Papain is a protein digestive enzyme that really works synergistically with herbs to further break down material. This Digestive enzyme will help restore your intestinal tract to its normal state, which makes it inhospitable to parasites. Papain taken 30 minutes before or after meals helps kill worms.
Food grade version used to act as a parasite shredder. Diatoms act like glass passing over skin, cutting the fragile flesh of all living adult parasites on contact (without harming humans).
It contains tannins which reduces blood sugar levels, and helping the body rid itself of toxins.. It oxygenates the blood, which also helps kill and expel parasites such as ringworms
Used to help expel the die-off of parasites, eggs and larva. Rhubarb is colon movement stimulants that is not addictive and is very powerful even in a low dosage.
You can find ready made parasitic herbal blend with the above herbs.If you don't have the time to look for this herbs individually or make at home.
Monday, October 15, 2018
7 Type of Parasites in Humans
There are 6 types of tapeworms that are known to affect human beings, and they are usually categorized according to the animal from which they come.
They could come from beef, pork, fish among others and they reside in the intestines. Infections occur when one eats raw or undercooked meat from an animal which is infected.
Pork tapeworms can also be contracted from foods that have been prepared by an infected person since they can be easily contaminated during preparation.
The fish tapeworm is the largest worm that grows to 40 feet that has 3000 to 4000 segments,each growing into its own piece. it can lay 1,000,000 eggs a day.YES 1 MILLION A DAY.
They could come from beef, pork, fish among others and they reside in the intestines. Infections occur when one eats raw or undercooked meat from an animal which is infected.
Pork tapeworms can also be contracted from foods that have been prepared by an infected person since they can be easily contaminated during preparation.
The fish tapeworm is the largest worm that grows to 40 feet that has 3000 to 4000 segments,each growing into its own piece. it can lay 1,000,000 eggs a day.YES 1 MILLION A DAY.
Tapeworms have a three stage life cycle: egg, an immature stage(larva) and a mature stage during which the worms can produce more eggs.
Ensure you get A blend of herbs that will kill the larvae eggs and adults with no side effects
Ensure you get A blend of herbs that will kill the larvae eggs and adults with no side effects
Tapeworm symptoms:
-Tired A Lot
-Appendix pain
-liver, gallbladder and pancreas issues
-Abdominal Pain
-skinny and can't gain weight
However, if tapeworms crawl into your lungs, you can have serious lung problems.
Tapeworm Treatment:
Important to first cleanse the body and starve the parasites of their food and us strong herbs to kill the parasites in all stages from the egg to larvae and worm.
Checkout the Natural Remedies you can use at home. This process should take at list 3 months to get rid of all 3 stages of the worm.
These are a type of flatworm. Animals are more likely to be infested with these worms as compared to humans.
The main sources of flukes are raw watercress, other freshwater plants in contaminated water. These worms reside in your intestines, blood or tissues.
Also, flukes are in many varieties but none of them are more than a few inches in length.
The main sources of flukes are raw watercress, other freshwater plants in contaminated water. These worms reside in your intestines, blood or tissues.
Also, flukes are in many varieties but none of them are more than a few inches in length.
The adult fluke settles in the bile ducts then after 4 to 6 months, it starts producing eggs which are passes out into the intestines.
Flukes Symptoms
-abdominal pain
-leukemia symptoms and pain
-Arthritis symptoms and pain
-Diarrhea and dehydration
-Decreased appetite and weight loss
They can sometimes be accompanied by rare complications which include stone formation, recurrent infections of the biliary system, and cholangiocarcinoma(bile duct cancer)
Flukes Treatment:
Important to first cleanse the body and starve the parasites of their food and us strong herbs to kill the parasites in all stages from the egg to larvae and worm.
Checkout the Natural Remedies you can use at home. This process should take at list 3 months to get rid of all 3 stages of the worm.
Poor sanitation is the major cause of hookworms (but remember you cant totally avoid them only by having an alkaline body) and its more prone to people in the developing countries in the tropics and subtropics.
They usually reside in your skin and small intestine. Hookworm larvae is usually found in dirt contaminated by feces and this is where humans contract the worms.
They usually reside in your skin and small intestine. Hookworm larvae is usually found in dirt contaminated by feces and this is where humans contract the worms.
Hookworms symptoms:
However, the symptoms generally don't show other than bleeding out of your rear end and iron deficiency start with itchiness and a small rash caused by an allergic reaction in the area that the larvae entered your skin.
This is then followed by diarrhea as it matures in your intestines.
This is then followed by diarrhea as it matures in your intestines.
Other Symptoms
Dry skin and hair
-Mental dullness
Dry skin and hair
-Mental dullness
-Abdominal pain
-Distended abdomen
-Distended abdomen
-protein deficiency
-Blood in your stool
-Itchy Rash
-loss of appetite
-Eventually Cardiac failure (yes you can die from this!
-loss of appetite
-Eventually Cardiac failure (yes you can die from this!
Hookworms treatment:
The aim of this treatment is to rid you of the parasite, improve nutrition, and treat anemia complications.
For anemia complications, one should take iron supplements to boost the iron levels in the body but not before cleansing the body with fasting and starving the parasites of their food.
Lots of Green Juices will help with the anaemia.Checkout the Natural Remedies you can do at home.
For anemia complications, one should take iron supplements to boost the iron levels in the body but not before cleansing the body with fasting and starving the parasites of their food.
Lots of Green Juices will help with the anaemia.Checkout the Natural Remedies you can do at home.
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